About Hallowingo

Hallowingo! is a game much like Bingo but instead of letters and numbers you use halloween candy!

This site makes it easy to generate and print your own WINGOtm cards.

There are many ways to play but the two most popular

    li Strikeout candy as you get them, first one with WINGO (either blackout or 5 in a row or column) wins a prize (maybe just that they get to eat more candy) li Wait till you get home and pick candy out of the shared candy bag (when someone gets Hallowingo! no more candy)

Who wins? How do you win? What do you win?

Everyone wins! Having a reason to talk to each other instead of looking at phones (iOS and Android versions coming soon!) means we all win as a society. But beside that we suggest the "winner" gets an extra piece of candy, or, if you got Romney money, the winner gets a new car and a shot at the presidency.

What is the Wheel about?

Bingo is cool and all but you know what's better? A Wheel! The wheel is a fun way to get on the other side of halloween . . . handing out candy (and other cool prizes!).

You know what's even cooler? Getting a big red button to spin the wheel for you! Connect a button to an arduino and write a little code (see below) and suddenly you have the best Halloween setup on the block and you didn't have to put up any decorations.

You know what's cooler than that? We didn't even have to do much to make a working wheel! Check out Wheel of Names. Our wheel has has many forms . . . you can also check out the Classic Wheel that would connect via bluetooth to a Intel Tiny Tile (RIP Tiny Tile) to make a remote button that would spin the wheel.

We like to make the names of the items on the wheel a little vague so people are not sure what they are getting. For example, a "Brand new car" is a hot wheels car. $50,000 is a fun sized hundred grand candy bar.

Who did this?

Sheldon Jif McGee & James Timothy deVos

Hallowingo© logo and Wingo The Pumkintm mascot were designed by Travis Buckner

The code to make the wheel came from Martin Omander

The Story

On November 1st 2012, Jim, high off the sugar rush of 1000 M's, has an idea about how to make Halloween fun again. A quick message to Sheldon and the domain is purchased and dreams are made.

Except it was 11 months later when Sheldon got a message about the domain expiring that sprung us into action. A chat message to Travis for some art, a new repo on github, a google doc for the candy database, a bit of Javascript, and a website is born.

Special thanks to "The Ev" for helping us find images!

The Arduino Code

Use this on a standard arduino board to get it to sent "ctrl enter" on a button press. Each board has it's own way to implement a keyboard so it might change depending on what you are using. Reach out and I'll help if you are having trouble!

#include "Keyboard.h"
// change this to match your platform:
//not used, change the D4 below
//this is for the LED in the button
int WINGOLED = 2;
Button button(D4);
void setup() {
  // make pin 2 an input and turn on the pull-up resistor so it goes high unless
  // connected to ground:
  digitalWrite(WINGOLED, HIGH);
void loop() {
  if (button.pressed()) {